Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Moral Compass And Personal Values - 1760 Words

Moral Compass Essay Moral compass decides personal values and directs conscience toward understanding and practice of the Good and the Right. It is the thing that is embedded in us, directing us to make decisions that involve right and wrong (Thompson, 2017). Personal Integrity The dictionary defines social conscience as â€Å"an attitude of sensitivity toward and sense of responsibility regarding injustice and problems in society†. And according to Killinger (2010), â€Å"integrity is the qualifications of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.† Social conscience and personal integrity are both values. As Keshen (2010) argues, values stem from beliefs which can be decomposed to what†¦show more content†¦Among these wisdom traditions, moderation has constantly been challenged as I navigate different cultures, especially in a professional setting. For instance, while working as a financial advisory analyst in New York, whenever there was conflicts or heated discussions at meetings, I chose to be quite and refused to take a stand. And whenever my work and contribution were validated by superiors or clients, I tried to be modest and humble and direct the praises to others. Being moderate, h umble and non-aggressive are so hardwired in me that I acted almost instinctively as a misfit at workplaces. This forces me to reflect on what is wrong. My conclusion is that being moderate itself is moral only when I apply it in the right place and at the correct time. There is a subtle or blurry line between being humble and being carless, especially in a professional working environment. In the above example, my moderation and humbleness were interpreted by my boss as being careless and passionless. â€Å"Wisdom traditions instill habits of virtue, reinforces values, and commemorates symbolic heroes and events. These structures are the embedded moral compass through which a community defines good, bad, right, wrong,Show MoreRelatedMoral Compass Essay1071 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: MY MORAL COMPASS My Moral Compass My Moral Compass Our deepest and enduring sense of identity  comes from realizing our connection to the larger world (Bloom, n.d.). Morality directs life’s journey; it is the basis of all decisions, attitudes, and goals. The process of being moral is developed from personal experiences and parental guidance. One set of values may differ from another, but neither is wrong. The Code of Ethics designed by the American Nurse’s Association (ANA) inRead MoreMy Professional Moral Compass730 Words   |  3 PagesRunning head: MY PROFESSIONAL MORAL COMPASS My Professional Moral Compass Pamela Chesnut Grand Canyon University Ethical Decision Making in Health Care NRS 437V July 26, 2012 My Professional Moral Compass A professional moral compass is something everyone has and lives by. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Introduction to Marketing Research Free Essays

Introduction to Marketing Research As to its definition, Marketing Research is the process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information about a market, about a product or service to be offered for sale in that market, and about the past, present and potential customers for the product or service; research into the characteristics, spending habits, location and needs of your business’s target market, the industry as a whole, and the particular competitors you face. It serves marketing management by providing information which is relevant to decision making. The manager or other individual initiating the research must provide guidance to the researcher in the form of a research brief. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to Marketing Research or any similar topic only for you Order Now This document should state the purpose of the research, its objectives, the time by which it must be completed, the budget to which the researcher must work in developing the research design and the timing and frequency of any interim reports which the researcher is expected to make. The Marketing research Process. Marketing research is gathered using a systematic approach. An example of one follows: 1. Define the problem. Never conduct research for things that you would ‘like’ to know. Make sure that you really ‘need’ to know something. The problem then becomes the focus of the research. The objective of the research should be defined clearly. To ensure that the true decision problem is addressed, it is useful for the researcher to outline possible scenarios of the research results and then for the decision maker to formulate plans of action under each scenario. The use of such scenarios can ensure that the purpose of the research is agreed upon before it commences. For example, why are sales falling in New Zealand? 2. How will you collect the data that you will analyze to solve your problem? Do we conduct a telephone survey, or do we arrange a focus group? Marketing research can classified in one of three categories: †¢Exploratory research †¢Descriptive research †¢Causal research These classifications are made according to the objective of the research. In some cases the research will fall into one of these categories, but in other cases different phases of the same research project will fall into different categories. †¢Exploratory research has the goal of formulating problems more precisely, clarifying concepts, gathering explanations, gaining insight, eliminating impractical ideas, and forming hypotheses. Exploratory research can be performed using a literature search, surveying certain people about their experiences, focus groups, and case studies. When surveying people, exploratory research studies would not try to acquire a representative sample, but rather, seek to interview those who are knowledgeable and who might be able to provide insight concerning the relationship among variables. Case studies can include contrasting situations or benchmarking against an organization known for its excellence. Exploratory research may develop hypotheses, but it does not seek to test them. Exploratory research is characterized by its flexibility. †¢Descriptive research is more rigid than exploratory research and seeks to describe users of a product, determine the proportion of the population that uses a product, or predict future demand for a product. As opposed to exploratory research, descriptive research should define questions, people surveyed, and the method of analysis prior to beginning data collection. In other words, the who, what, where, when, why, and how aspects of the research should be defined. Such preparation allows one the opportunity to make any required changes before the costly process of data collection has begun. There are two basic types of descriptive research: longitudinal studies and cross-sectional studies. Longitudinal studies are time series analyses that make repeated measurements of the same individuals, thus allowing one to monitor behavior such as brand-switching. However, longitudinal studies are not necessarily representative since many people may refuse to participate because of the commitment required. Cross-sectional studies sample the population to make measurements at a specific point in time. A special type of cross-sectional analysis is a cohort analysis, which tracks an aggregate of individuals who experience the same event within the same time interval over time. Cohort analyses are useful for long-term forecasting of product demand. †¢Causal research seeks to find cause and effect relationships between variables. It accomplishes this goal through laboratory and field experiments. 3. Select a sampling method. Do we us a random sample, stratified sample, or cluster sample? The sampling frame is the pool from which the interviewees are chosen. The telephone book often is used as a sampling frame, but have some shortcomings. Telephone books exclude those households that do not have telephones and those households with unlisted numbers. Since a certain percentage of the numbers listed in a phone book are out of service, there are many people who have just moved who are not sampled. Such sampling biases can be overcome by using random digit dialing. Mall intercepts represent another sampling frame, though there are many people who do not shop at malls and those who shop more often will be over-represented unless their answers are weighted in inverse proportion to their frequency of mall shopping. In designing the research study, one should consider the potential errors. Two sources of errors are random sampling error and non-sampling error. Sampling errors are those due to the fact that there is a non-zero confidence interval of the results because of the sample size being less than the population being studied. Non-sampling errors are those caused by faulty coding, untruthful responses, respondent fatigue, etc. There is a tradeoff between sample size and cost. The larger the sample size, the smaller the sampling error but the higher the cost. After a certain point the smaller sampling error cannot be justified by the additional cost. While a larger sample size may reduce sampling error, it actually may increase the total error. There are two reasons for this effect. First, a larger sample size may reduce the ability to follow up on non-responses. Second, even if there is a sufficient number of interviewers for follow-ups, a larger number of interviewers may result in a less uniform interview process. 4. How will we analyze any data collected? What software will we use? What degree of accuracy is required? Before analysis can be performed, raw data must be transformed into the right format. First, it must be edited so that errors can be corrected or omitted. The data must then be coded; this procedure converts the edited raw data into numbers or symbols. A codebook is created to document how the data was coded. Finally, the data is tabulated to count the number of samples falling into various categories. 5. Decide upon a budget and a timeframe. 6. Go back and speak to the managers or clients requesting the research. Make sure that you agree on the problem! If you gain approval, then move on to step seven. 7. Go ahead and collect the data. 8. Conduct the analysis of the data. 9. Check for errors. It is not uncommon to find errors in sampling, data collection method, or analytic mistakes. 10. Write your final report. This will contain charts, tables, and diagrams that will communicate the results of the research, and hopefully lead to a solution to your problem. Watch out for errors in interpretation. Sources of Data – Primary and Secondary There are two main sources of data – primary and secondary. Primary research is conducted from scratch. It is original and collected to solve the problem in hand. -Secondary research, also known as desk research, already exists since it has been collected for other purposes. Marketing research by itself does not arrive at marketing decisions, nor does it guarantee that the organization will be successful in marketing its products. However, when conducted in a systematic, analytical, and objective manner, marketing research can reduce the uncertainty in the decision-making process and increase the probability and magnitude of success. How to cite Introduction to Marketing Research, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Kia Hamster Ads free essay sample

The Success of the Kia Soul Ad Campaign Abstract In the current post-2008 recovering economic climate, marketing budgets are tight, and now, more than ever, it is vital that advertising is effective and able to justify the investment required. This paper explores the recent Kia Soul hamster commercial series, and analyzes why they work: what elements of appeal, target market, and defining attributes have ensured their success. By anticipating trends, focusing on a specific demographic, researching what appeals to that group and using the right tools to send the message, companies will be able to create ads that are unforgettable and extremely convincing. Imagine that you have transformed into a hamster, and are getting ready to go to work. You climb into your run-of-the-mill cage and then prepare to sit in traffic along with other hamsters literally spinning in place. Sighing, you wish for an intervention to alleviate the boredom and frustration of waiting with everyone else in the day-to-day race that defines your job commute. Lo and behold, along comes a small boxy car with a few ‘hip’ hamsters riding with the windows open. They pull up next to you, one nods knowingly, and the light changes. Left behind in the dust, you watch as they speed ahead in the new Kia Soul. They are having a great time, listening to rap on an MP3 player, tapping their claws in time to the music. Then you see the car again, along with local dealer incentives. This scenario is not a dream, but one in a series of television advertisements featuring the Kia Soul. Why does it work? Why does it garner so much attention? In a recent Internet search, the phrase â€Å"Kia hamster commercial† generated more than two million results in 0. 66 seconds (Google, 2010). In today’s economic climate, marketing budgets are tight, and now, more than ever, it is vital that advertising is effective and able to justify the investment required. Two critical factors associated with successful advertising are persuasion and impact. These characteristics drive the most compelling ads as well as the most persuasive (Brown, 2010). Experts have long recognized that memorable advertising aids sales. In addition, a lasting impression is reliant on creativity. The most impactful ads are those that stimulate the emotions – ads that communicate in a meaningful way, contain humor, and use catchy melodies or jingles. The correlation of music to inspiring feeling has been known for centuries. In the Kia ads, upbeat songs by the Black Sheep play throughout the commercials. â€Å"Seriously, this commercial cracks me up†¦I love the absurdity of three hamsters getting ‘gangster’ in their Kia. Look] at the genius of this spot with the hamster in the backseat, [moving] his head from side to side, tapping his paw to the dance beat while a light in the car door flashes in time. Not even RuPaul has this much self-confidence† (Blankenship, 2010). Thus, the commercial is amusing because it is so disproportionate, and yet at the same time, it points to the day-to-day perceived drudgery that most mid dle-class Americans (the majority of the population) face going to and from work. â€Å"Hamsters are little animals. We dominate them so completely that we build their worlds for them, shooing them through mazes of plastic tubes and then clapping when they run. Therefore, seeing a hamster behave like a ‘badass’ is so audacious that it is funny† (Blankenship, 2010). The ad works because of the humor element, cute animals and an in-your-face alternative to a boring, typical middle-class lifestyle. According to industry insiders, animals and humor are two of the most successful ad ‘hooks’ (Brown, 2010). In this commercial, the Kia Soul is the only vehicle in the world that does not â€Å"breed rodent-in-a-wheel conformity† (Anonymous, 2010). â€Å"Those hamster wheels we see on the road could be Mercedes, BMW’s, Audi’s, or whatever. The point is, they are not Kia’s, so by this ads standards, those cars are lame. Again, you have to admire a car company that refuses to accept the less-than-ferocious image the public imposes on it† (Blankenship, 2010). According to Trendhunter, the ad appeals to a young, middle-class American who is unable to afford a luxury car, but can budget for a Kia Soul that starts at under $14,000. The viewers may realize that they are not driving a luxury vehicle, but this ad encourages them not to care. In other words, the ad pushes for a perceptual shift in which â€Å"little guys† like hamsters, Kia’s, and the middle class â€Å"embrace their ability to be awesome. If you drive a Kia Soul, the commercial tells us, then you know yourself, love yourself, and get down with yourself† (Anonymous, 2010). If consumers buy the message, then Kias sales could explode. Middle class affordability could be â€Å"hipper than ever† (Anonymous, 010). So far, the ad series seems to be working: sales of Kia’s in general are up from 2009, and the Kia Soul is doing â€Å"spectacularly well† in its target market (Anonymous, 2010). Building on the momentum fueled by the original commercial, Kia released another ad in the series, with the hamsters rapping to the Black Sheep’s â€Å"The Choice is Yours† and comparing the affordable Kia Soul t o modes of fabricated transportation others devised in an effort to save money, but that do not work (Google, 2010). Appealing to the urban young professional, just striking out on his or her own with a tight budget and limited time, the choice of music and styling â€Å"strikes fond memories of the good days – the way things used to be – with an old-school song choice which is a powerful catalyst, endearing the viewer to the ad content† (Brown, 2010). In addition, Kia’s reputation also assists in selling the vehicle, having won distinguished awards from Motor Trend Magazine for their cars’ reliability (Anonymous, 2010). The commercials have been so successful that in March 2010, Nielsen Automotive Advertising Awards named them the â€Å"Automotive Ads of the Year† in conjunction with the New York International Auto Show (Smith, 2010). The ads appear throughout the Internet on social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube, and are wildly popular not just in America, but the world over (Anonymous, 2010). â€Å"Truly effective advertising starts with a great creative idea. When you combine that idea with a memorable and unique hook that grabs viewers’ attention, you are going to get the results that we saw from Kia this year† (Miller, 2010). The impact of an ad alone is not sufficient, however; the associations generated by the advertising need to be linked to the brand. Ads containing established branding devices, existing slogans or distinctive creative styles are more likely to be remembered (Brown, 2010). Thus, ads that provoke an immediate interest in trial are also more likely to produce sales, but such persuasion tends to require strong product news (Anonymous, 2010). The majority of the most convincing ads communicate rational news, featuring new items or variants on existing ones. These ads tend to focus closely on the brand, with the use of voice-overs, showing the product and demonstrations of it in use (Brown, 2010). The Kia commercials aptly use all of these elements to their advantage, with much success. Therefore, as the sensation of the Kia Soul hamster commercials shows, advertisers must appeal to today’s savvy consumers who know the value of a hard-earned dollar nd the advantage of market competition. A television ad’s hold on its prospective audience is not as captive as it once was; viewers know that they can turn the channel, record the program, and gather information elsewhere at their convenience, in a multitude of ways. Therefore, by anticipating trends, focusing on a specific target, researching what appeals to that group and using innovative, yet proven, elements to send their message, companies will be able to ach ieve the tough task of producing an ad that is both memorable and highly persuasive.