Monday, November 4, 2019

A Critical Analysis of N.T. Wright New Perspective of Paul on Research Paper

A Critical Analysis of N.T. Wright New Perspective of Paul on Covenantal Justification - Research Paper Example Being a self admitted proponent of a number of aspects that result from the New Perspectives put forward by Paul, Wright distinctly shares a number of similarities with fellow advocates E.P Sanders and James Dunn however, Wrights arguments carry their own weight and unique undertone. In recent times however, Wright has received a large amount of criticism especially with regard to the doctrine of justification2. This is the issue which will be examined in this discussion and will be addressed by examining the origin and development of the New Perspective of Paul,2) Justification in N.T. Wright and its Relation with the Adamic, Abrahamic and New Covenant and 3) Carry out a Critical Analysis on NT Wright Covenantal Justification from Reformed Scholars. By the end of this paper, it is hoped that the reader will have a clear understanding of the weakness of the covenantal view approach to justification by contrasting strengths within the disputed justification. In recent years, there has been a distinct change in the views touching on Pauline Theology with a growing number of evangelicals endorsing what is being referred to as the New Perspective on Paul which makes a significant departure from the Reformation focus on justification based on faith alone3. Some of the most popular spokesmen for this new view are E.P Sanders and James D.G Dunn. While having slight differences in the manner in which they defend the New Perspective, all of these scholars have seemingly adopted an argument referred to as covenantal nominism which essentially provides a role to salvation to the works of Moses’ law4. Among the numerous contributions to Pauline theology E. P Sanders stands as one of the most distinct. Heavily influenced by historical-Critical ideologies, Sanders argued that Paul’s Christology is distinctly unclear and conflicting. For instance on Rom 1:3-4 Sanders argues that while the reader of the passage might be led to believe

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